Monday, November 20, 2023

Feasting Together, Hard. And Appreciating It.

Below are photos of a Kamayan feast for 7 in October 2023 at Kulinarya Filipino Eatery, Commercial Drive location. I say seven, but we each also took a massive take-out box of food home afterward too. To me, this is the epitome of post-pandemic eating and a sign of the times - we were able to do this style of meal, diving in with our hands in as large a group as we wanted. Now a lot of people wouldn't want to eat without (many) utensils, and it was fun because it was different for us. But it was messy and I basically couldn't do much else but eat (put off looking things up on my phone, pressing any buttons, etc.).

Originally we would have had 9 people but the restaurant could have handled a single table three times that size on one side of the room. It was so much fun, especially since we were not that familiar with the cuisine and had lots to learn about Filipino food. And it was just a really nice friendly place to have a celebration with a group. Had to book things and pay at least 50% ahead of time but worth it.

Post-pandemic Nancyland 2.0

The switch to was due to changes from the platform, but for Nancyland, this transition will mark the palpable boundary between two "eras" - life before and after the pandemic. I'm enjoying running a food club and visiting events and restaurants with the members. People have generally stopped wearing masks in my city except for specific reasons (for example, if you have been sick, visiting a doctor's office, getting a vaccine in a pharmacy, or generally being more cautious as an individual). The previous pandemic pantry posts were written in a time of great uncertainty with no vaccine on the horizon and very little clarity about how the virus operated. 

Announcements of an effective vaccine, its approval for use, and imminent availability came in December 2020. Since then we've had multiple boosters, death rates and severe hospitalization cases came down, the concern about the health care system collapsing under the burden of the effects has been lifted, and being in public is very similar to what it looked like before the pandemic. Personal space is a bit wider (already a bigger radius in Canada than some other countries before. Would be interesting to see if personal space rankings swapped around at all). For example, you can see people lining up at coffee shops with a bit more space, almost at 1.5m apart if there's room. But we have returned to comfortable hugging and shaking hands. My eating includes a good chunk of going out to restaurants. But the pandemic has ignited the home restaurant delivery service industry. Which is very appealing to a single introvert who loves eating in pajamas and slippers while keeping the cat company (rather than abandoning her to go out). Patio spaces and street "park" areas that replaced car parking spaces with seating for businesses increased here. And everyone learned how to wash their hands better. My posts will focus now on my very best eating experiences in the Vancouver, BC area. I do cook and have a new appliance that inspires me to try cooking things that I normally didn't before. 

Take good care of yourselves, like this special cardboard xiao long bao carrier, from Shanghai Wonderful in Richmond, takes care of these precious pork dumplings filled with soup. The little compartments prevented any ruptures and tiny flooding catastrophes. We'll "clink" dumplings soon. 

The Pandemic Pantry: Cooking Covid-19 Style, Days 62 - 84

At this point, the "lockdown" was lasting much longer than everyone expected initially.  We were lucky compared to other countries so calling it a lockdown is a bit silly.  We were always able to go out for walks, but at the beginning, we were urged to stay at home as much as possible, and if walking, to stay close by. I was working remotely and public spaces and restaurants were closed (or only doing take-out and delivery).  

Day 62: Fri May 15 - Sat Jun 6, 2020

Feasting Together, Hard. And Appreciating It.

Below are photos of a Kamayan feast for 7 in October 2023 at Kulinarya Filipino Eatery, Commercial Drive location. I say seven, but we each ...