Monday, February 21, 2005

For Black Licorice Fans

The flavour of black licorice is one of those things - you either love it or hate it. There is no in between. I love it, but it was an acquired taste. I don't think I liked it at all during my childhood. Today I discovered a highly addictive candy. Haribo's Sali-Kritz. Haribo is a German candy company, and I found these flat, little, multi-coloured, diamond-shaped nuggets packaged in a 200 g bag (imported - packaging was written all in German) in a little candy/magazine/cigarettes store underneath the Main St. skytrain station. They are little candy-coated black licorice candies that are just a little bit salty. The different colours of candy coating have different subtle fruity flavours. Here's a picture I found of them on the web. I've been looking for an English language name for them on the web, but haven't found much about them at all. Well, I found one website that gave the calorie count (355 for 100 g), and recommended that they be limited in any calorie-reduced diet. My local Sugar Mountain (on Denman St.) closed down, but they probably carried this candy when they were open. I couldn't stop eating them today. I kept looking at the ingredients to see if there was some sort of narcotic added to it that made me want to keep eating them. They're crunchy on the outside, and chewy in the middle. I think that nice bit of saltiness really makes the candy. The man at the store today told me that I would get hooked on them when I asked about them. I didn't really believe him at the time. But he was right. I wonder what a patch for them would be like...


  1. Mmmm...those look positively delicious (or "malicious" as one of my friends would say...). Ikea, at times, seems to have a pretty decent licorice selection, as does the little German shop near the Harbour Centre food court. Nothing quite like the Danish licorice that people at a former employer of mine used to bring (it was owned by a company based in Denmark) -- these things were completely lethal. You'd put a pill-sized licorice bit in your mouth and let it'd taste licorice for *hours* thereafter!


  2. Nancy, gotta keep updating your blog! :) Five days now, sheesh!

  3. Hi Mark, did it occur to you that I may not have eaten in 5 days?? Well, except for the bag of candy. I just finished that. Alright, just for you, I'm going to start eating again. Happy? ;)

  4. you can buy these in bulk at dutch girl chocolates on commercial drive...


Feasting Together, Hard. And Appreciating It.

Below are photos of a Kamayan feast for 7 in October 2023 at Kulinarya Filipino Eatery, Commercial Drive location. I say seven, but we each ...