Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Falling In Love...

I've been searching for a long time, and I finally found him. He's absolutely perfect! Sweet, good-looking, big, rich, and, of course, even a little bit flakey - just the way I like 'em! He's the ultimate cinnamon bun! I'll call him CB, for short. We met at Bojangles Cafe, on Coal Harbour, over coffee. It's my favourite coffeeshop. At one point, it used to be the only coffeeshop in the area, on the water. Now cafe after cafe keeps popping up around the area. So I try to support Mr. Bojangles whenever I can.

I walked in one sunny afternoon, and I saw him in the display case, glistening with white icing. I was a little apprehensive at first, having had some bad experiences with his kind before. I asked myself, will he disappoint me like the others have?

You may be thinking: can a woman really fall in love with a baked good? Well, I do think about CB a lot when I'm not with him. When I am with him, he brings me to the heights of pleasure, and I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm also thankful that we met. We met by chance, but I can't help but feel a little as though fate brought us together. Maybe our society isn't progressive enough to tolerate a mixed (human-baked good) relationship like ours. Is it true love? I don't know...but I do know a nice set of buns when I see one! There are plenty of places around that claim "World's Best Cinnamon Buns" and let me tell you, they just weren't! I must admit though, I have thoroughly enjoyed the company of other cinnamon buns before. I have very fond memories of the famous UBC cinnamon buns, that I indulged in throughout my undergrad years. Naked (no icing), a bit sticky, huge, wonderfully soft and puffy. Very wicked though, those naughty cinnamon buns - I remember sometimes calculus class and cinnamon bun would fiercely battle it out (in my head), and cinnamon bun would conquer. It would team up with Cheese Stick, who would duke it out in my buddy's head. Last year, I even tried to recreate the UBC Cinnamon Bun with the "official" UBC adapted-for-home-use recipe but it really wasn't the same. (I think the recipe doesn't call for enough of the cinnamon filling, and I might have done something wrong...the raw yeasty taste never cooked out of it, but they did puff up nice and big, so they at least looked like the original).

So, I am very pleased with my find at Bojangles. However, if you think that you know a cinnamon bun that I would get along with, please feel free to set me up. Or send me a recipe. CB and I aren't going steady - we have an open relationship. I'm looking for huge, puffy, very soft, cinnamon buns with a nice generous topping of icing (cream cheese frosting being the best option). I like a flaky texture, and a slight crispness to the outside surface of the pastry. Check out CB at Mr. Bojangles some morning. Sit outside with him, have a cup of coffee, and enjoy the view together. He'll treat you right.


  1. Ahh, the UBC cinnamon bun, my Econ 100 friend. I tried to recreate it as well with no luck. Maybe next time I have a long lunch break, I will wander over and see if your CB has some equally attractive brothers.

  2. That's a pretty steamy account there, but I don't suppose Chinese steamed buns are slated for a future review ....

    Yup the UBC cinnamon bun (and large black coffee from SUB) was THE defacto 8:30am class wake-up drill sargent for me. Amazing how my memories of those CBs stick (like the CBs themselves) even after 20 years since my 1st year UBC. Anyone remember Yum Yums in the Old Admin Bldg or the Bus Stop Cafe (my fave haunt) ?

  3. If you're willing to have a fling with icing-less cinnamon buns, Solly's gives the UBC ones some competition (although without the warm fuzzy student-days memories). Solly's (on W. Broadway and on E. 23rd I think by Main) also has an awesome chocolate babka bun - with chocolate inside the coiled bun instead of cinnamon sugar. It's my new friend, especially yummy on rainy days.

    ~ Wanda

  4. love the site. send me an email when you get the chance.

    Andrew Morrison

  5. Thank you, Andrew! I've loved waiterblog for a while now, and have been meaning to do a post about it. I've laughed out loud at it many a time.


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