Saturday, January 7, 2006

You're Invited To a Birthday Party!

On January 30th, 2006, Nancyland, Vancouver Foodie Fun, turns one! It's as good as an excuse as any for a group dinner, and the very first official Nancylander meet. What I would like to do is invite everyone out the next day on Tuesday, January 31st, at 6:30 pm to Yuji's Japanese Tapas (2059 W. 4th Ave., at Maple St.), one of my favourite restaurant discoveries from this year of eating, drinking, and blogging. Email me if you are interested, and can make a definite committment, and I will set up a reservation of up to 8 people for my table. I don't think that Yuji's will take a reservation greater than that. After my table is filled, then I will encourage all others to book yourselves directly with Yuji's (604.734.4990) in individual tables. It's a small room, so even if our tables aren't touching, I'm sure we can get a chance to chat. Perhaps you can ask to be seated close to my table. I won't be explaining the website to the staff, and instead just putting my reservation under "Nancy." Separate tables and reservations also makes it easy for everyone to pay their own bills. Please, out of courtesy for Yuji's, reserve early, honour your reservations, and give them as much warning as possible if you make any changes. I noticed tonight that they have a maximum capacity of 46. Please email me also if you've made a separate reservation and going to participate so I know who to be looking out for. And here's a silly cult-like touch: please wear a string or ribbon tied to your wrist and keep it visible at the restaurant, so that we can all identify each other without bothering strangers that are just trying to eat their meal in peace at the restaurant. Either that, or draw a big N on your forehead. Please realize also that we may wind up making them a lot busier than they normally would be that night, so please be forgiving with the service. If this meet doesn't come together, I'll notify everyone interested, so please leave an email address that I can reach you at. Here is my first visit post and my second visit post.

My third visit tonight was great. I had the wasabi tempura chicken again ($6.00), a grilled eggplant with nameko mushroom sauce ($6.00) from the weekly special sheet, and Taka-san's daily roll creation. Today's roll from their "special roll man" was $14.50, which actually consisted of three different rolls, each with a different coloured tobiko, all beautifully presented together. One roll had barely seared tuna with black bean sauce, chili sauce, and green onion over a roll of avocado, and light green tobiko speckled rice. Another was crab and mango rolled in orange tobiko speckled rice. And I think the third was a salmon skin and asparagus rolled in dark green tobiko speckled rice. I finished the meal off with lychee ice cream ($3). Their menu now has drink suggestions for each item or group of items now, and they have an extensive list of sakes, as well as a wine list. I'd love to introduce this restaurant to anyone who hasn't been yet - it's innovative, fresh, interesting, and gracious.

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