Friday, November 24, 2006

Ode to Adam's Eve (Vancouver)...Or An Elegy?

Sadly, there are only 38 days left before Adam retires from his incredibly thorough directory of Vancouver Restaurants, Adam's Fabulous Vancouver Dining Guide at He has had a note on there for a while about taking over, purchasing, or leasing the site, but I've never really been able to wrap my head around how much work it would be to maintain that site to the level that he does. Yes, even eating at restaurants and writing about it can be hard work. Thank you, Adam. I can't even count the number of times I've used that site to locate a restaurant, or to help me pick a place to eat. The geographical organizational scheme of that site is very handy in many ways. Here's hoping someone takes over. But even if someone does, I'm sure I'll miss Adam's style, his discerning palate, and his particular take on the restaurant scene. I'll miss his ranting about bastardized dishes, and most of all, his delight in a really great find.


  1. That's too bad. Adam's is one of my quick reference sites too. We'll miss him and his dedication.

    The other local sites I consider are fairly reliable and relatively comprehensive are:

    Taste of 604 (

    Of course, non of them have the particular "personal" touch like Nancyland ......

  2. Thanks for the kind words, SaabKen. I hadn't checked out much before. There is some interesting stuff there. I use quite a bit myself.

  3. Kudos to Adam on a job well done -- and it would be a true pity to see it disappear. While I'm sure lots of us would love to help keep it going, Adam's work is going to be an awfully hard act for anyone to follow. If nobody steps up and lets Adam pass the baton, perhaps a group of Vancouver foodies ought to get together and keep it going collectively, possibly under the aegis of some local organization.

    Given the number of people in the Vancouver area who are interested in both collaborative urban computing and foodie culture, there are all sorts of interesting things that might be possible given sufficient people and resources (e.g. integrating it with Google Maps, providing for easier maintenance, geocoding/wiki-fying it, or...?)

    Of course, we'd still be missing Adam's sense of humour...I often wonder when I'm eating tapas whether Adam would rant about it. :-)

  4. Thia is ASdam. A felklow foodie in Texas who likes Vancouver meals tolxd me about your blog. Thank you for kind if nostaltgic words. I really like the ideaz of a group of foodies taking over and spreading the load. As for time involved I'd let you in on the tricks. It has usually taken me two half days to write up, inlcuding referring to newspaper reports, and dining out say on average once a week. Really that's not too bad (but I am retired from a day job so that makes it possible). I am maintaining the data base on my hard drive in case anyone has the magic wand. Ciao chow to all. Cyril Belshaw PS Now you can read my latest book -- Controlling Our Destiny - achieving Utopia in the 21st century.


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